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A booke of ayres VVith a Triplicitie of Mvsicke

whereof the first Part is for the Lute or Orpharion and the Viole de Gambo, and 4. Partes to sing, The second part is for 2. Trebles to sing to the Lute and Viole, the third part is for the Lute and one Voyce, and the Viole de Gambo. Composed by Iohn Bartlet

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[I would thou wert not fayre or I were wise]


I would thou wert not fayre or I were wise,
I wold thou hadst no face or I no eyes
I would thou wert not wise or I not fond
Or thou not free or I not so in bond.


But thou art fayre and I cannot be wise.
Thy sun-like face hath blinded both mine eyes,
Thou canst not but be wise, nor I but fond,
Not thou but free, nor I but still in band.


Yet am I wise to thinke that thou art faire,
Mine eyes their purenes in thy face repaire,
Nor am I fond that do thy wisedome see,
Nor yet in bōd because that thou art free.


Then in thy beauty onely make me wise,
And in thy face, the grace, guide both mine eyes,
And in thy wisedom onely see me fond,
And in thy freedome keepe me still in bond,


So shalt thou still be faire, and I be wise,
Thy face shines still vpon my clered eyes,
Thy wisedome onely see how I am fond,
Thy fredome onely keepe me still in bond.


So would I thou were faire, and I were wise,
So would I thou hadst thy face, and I mine eyes,
So would I thou wert wise, and I were fond,
And thou wert free and I were still in bond.