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A Mvsicall Dreame

Or The Fovrth Booke Of Ayres, The First part is for the Lute, two Voyces, and the Viole de Gambo; The Second part is for the Lute, the Viole and foure Voices to Sing: The Third part is for one Voyce alone, or to the Lute, the Basse Viole, or to both if you please, VVhereof, two are Italian Ayres

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[And is it night, are they thine eyes that shine]


And is it night, are they thine eyes that shine,
Are we alone and here and here alone
May I come neere may I but touch, but touch thy shrine
Is Ielousie a sleepe, and is he gone,
O Gods no more, silence my lippes with thine,
Lippes kisses Ioyes happe blessings most diuine.


O come my deare our griefes are turnde to night,
And night to ioyes, night blinds pale enuies eyes,
Silence and sleepe prepare vs our delight,
O cease we then our woes, our griefes our cries,
O vanish words, words doe but passions moue,
O deerest life, ioyes sweet, O sweetest loue.