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The hovse of correction

or, certayne satyricall epigrams. Written by I. H. Gent. [i.e. John Heath]. Together with a few Characters, called Par Pari: or, like to like, quoth the Deuill to the Collier

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In Lusiam.

Lvsia , who scornes all others imitations,
Cannot abide to be out-gone in fashions:
She sayes, she cannot haue a Hat or Ruffe.
A Gowne, a Pettycoate, a Band, or Cuffe,
But that these Citizens (whom she doth hate)
Will get into't, at nere so deare a rate:
But Lusia now doth such a fashion follow,
Whose Hayre is Flax, and Band as Saffron yellow,
That there's no Citizen, what ere she be,
Can be transformed so like an Owle as she.