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A neaste of vvaspes latelie fovnd out and discouered in the Law-countreys

yealding as sweete hony as some of our English bees [by William Goddard]

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[Before his Holines three sutors came]

Before his Holines three sutors came
The firste was one giv'n all to whore and game
The second vnto drinke was givn-ore soe
As sober to his bedde he'ed neuer goe
The third a murthrer was giv'n all toth stabb
These comming to that babalonian drabb
(after greate revrence to his sacred knee)
They humblye craue that they might pardond be
Your sinns are greate his holines doth crie
Wee doe confesse it father they replie
But as our sinns are greate our meanes is greate
Father quoth they with anngells wee haue mett
Which anngells told vs that yov lou'd em soe
As anie thinge for theire sweete sakes youd doe
Therefore, for what w'aue done, wee mercie craue
For those good Anngells sakes letts perdon haue
Pleades Angells for you quoth the Pope? naie then
I must forgive. Anngells haue powre o're men.