University of Virginia Library

Persecution under Adrian

Th'Imperiall Mitre tottering fell down.
Off Trajans Head hopt up on Adrians Crown.


About the six scorth yeare of Christ he soon

A Persecuting Course did up resume.
In's second yeare he doth the Prison stow
With Alexander, bishop, and doth throw
Hermes the City-Prefect with his Wife
Children and Family, in prison rife,
Twelve hundred, yes, and fifty sumd; thus cast
And burnt in firy furnace them at last:
Which fact Theodulus reproved who was
Then Deacon of the Church, for which, alas!
He and Eventius, a Deacon too,
And others tast the selfe same sawce, and rue.
Zeno a Noble man of Rome thus he
Ten thousand more and ten score yea and three
Were on the count of Christs most righteous Cause
To Execution led by those vile Laws.
And in the fift year when Eustachius wise
Whom he had sent against his Enemies
Having them Conquourd quite returning home,
This Adrian did Joyously out come
To meet, and would thank offer'ngs for the same
Unto Apollo give and would Constrain
Did urge Eustachius to do so too
Which when he would not, he was sure to rue
And therefore when he comes to Rome he shall
Be sacrificed, slain, Wife and Children all.
His tenth yeare's said to slay ten thousand more
Upon mount Ararat, on Christ rich score,
Whereof Achaicus was Chiefe, also
Heliades, Carcerica do goe
For Captains and Theodorus its said
The master of the Souldiers was made.
And when the tenth yeare of this Tyrant come
Faustina and Jobita martyredom
Sustain in Brixia; and he then did slay
Eleathery the Bishop, Anthia
His mother both, who were beheaded loe
In Apuleia and Sophia too
With her three Children, and Seraphia
And Symphorisia, with seven children, yea
Sabina too di'de by this tyranny,
Because they walkt in Christian piety
Justus, and Pastor hanged were in Spain
At Complute for the sake of Christs Choice name.


But now God graciously attends the Prayre
Of his Choice ones, and grants them other fare.
When Adrian at Athens was and gave
Men leave as list to persecute and rave
That brave Disciple of th'Apostles there
Quadratus, Athens Bishop did appeare,
Gave Adrian a learnd Apology
And bravely pend for Christianity,
Prooved without cause they did the Christians damn,
Shewing himself indeed a Right square man.
Then Aristide, Philosopher of fame
Chiefe seeing man according to his name
The Muses Treasury, and hord of Wit
A Magazeen of Wealthy Rhetorick
The Cream of Athens did with Eloquence
Before him lay for them a Learnd Defenco.
Also Serenus Granius a man
Of greate Nobility to Adrian
Wrote Pithy Letters, gravely proving how
No Right or Reason can this thing allow
That blood of Innocents be given to
The rage of people, and Condemned so
Without all fault, but for a Name, and Sect.
Which brave Apologies had good effect,
For Adrian forthwith charg'd by Letters sent,
Menuce Fundanus Asia's President
To sentence none without full proofe of Crime,
And hence the Church enjoy'd a peacefull time.