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Seuen bookes of Epigrames written by T. B. [i.e. Thomas Bastard]

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Epigr. 9. In Caium.

Caius will doe me good he sweares by all,
That can be sworne, in swearing liberall:
He did me one good turne I wote well how,
I would he had not, for I rue it now.
And twise and thrise, he holpe me at my need,
He me in shew, but I holpe him in deede.
Had I more neede he would so succour me,
That for his helpe the more my need should be.
But Caius, haue ye such good turns in store?
O keepe them for your selfe, helpe me no more.


For he which comes to you and wanteth pelfe,
Must say: Sir I haue need, now helpe your selfe.