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11. [Only to ȝow in erd that I lufe best.]

Only to ȝow in erd that I lufe best,
I me commend ane hundreth thowsand syiss;
Exorting ȝow, with pensyfe hairt opprest,
As ȝe ar scho quhom in my confort lyiss,
Gif I misvse my pen, or done dispyss
Ocht at this tyme, will God I sall amend,
Protesting this ballat ȝe attend.
Sum luvaris thame delytis till indyte
Fair facound speich, blandit with eloquence;
And vþir sum dois sett þair wit perfyte
To pleiss þair ladeis with all þair diligens,
Sum luffaris wantis, throw þair negligens,
For falt of speich, the lufe of his maistres,
Without hir witting [he is] in distress.
As to my parte, my lusty lady schene,
Throw laik of speich, I thoill rycht grit distress;
Bayth nycht & day, hard persit to þe splene
With deidly dert, and can find no redress;
This me behuffis my panis to express;
Or than, knaw rycht weill, but wirdis moir,
That crewell dert out[t]hrow my hart wald boir.
Rathir nor smart / I mon my harme reweill
To ȝow my hairt / quha ma my baillis beit;
For & ȝe start / adew all warldly weill!
Will ȝe rewart / my cairis ar compleit.
Tuiching ȝour parte / I prey ȝow be discreit,
For eftirwart / gif ȝe vpoun me rew,
Quhill deid departe / my lyfe I sal be trew.
Secreit alswa / in every maner sort,
For weill nor wa / sall ony knaw our mynd?
Than be nocht thra ȝour scherwand to confort:
Sum anschir ma / as ȝe ar gud and kynd,
That may me, fra / my langour appeill, þat is pynd,


And not sla / me throw ȝour negligence;
This I ȝow pra / for ȝour he excellens.
Adew / rycht trew / adew my deirest hairt;
Fairest of hew / for this tyme haif gud nycht;
Remord & rew / and pondir weill my pairte,
Sen I persew / na thing of ȝow bot rycht;
Quhilk gif ȝe knew / my mynd as it is plicht,
Ȝe wald subdew / ȝour inwart thocht & mynd,
And me reskew quhilk for ȝour lufe is pynd.