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The Poems of Alexander Montgomerie

Edited by James Cranstoun

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As bright Apollo staineth euiry star
With goldin rayis, vhen he begins to ryse,
Quhais glorious glance ȝit stoutly skaillis the sk[yis,]
Quhen with a wink we wonder vhair they war;
Befor his face for feir they faid so far,
And vanishis auay in such a wayis,
That in thair spheirs thay dar not interpryse
For to appeir lyk planeits, as they ar:
Or as the phœnix, with her fedrum fair,
Excels all foulis in diverse hevinly heuis,
Quhais natur, contrare natur, sho reneuis,
As onlie but companione or compair:
So, quintessenst of kings! vhen thou compyle,
Thou stanis my versis with thy staitly style.