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A Sacrifice To an Unknown Goddesse, or, A Free-Will Offering Of a loving Heart to a Sweet-Heart. By N. H. [i.e. Nicholas Hookes]

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Love is that harmony doth sympathize
Betwixt two soules tun'd Diapason-wise;
'Tis waking mans most pleasant dream, delight
And comfort, makes day passe as sleep doth night,
'Tis the best part of Heav'n man hath on earth,
And heav'n in heav'n 'twill be
Nothing but lovely, loving souls to see
Souls mingling loves, love getting love i'th' birth.


Love is the Gordian knot, which once unti'd
Or cut, gives way to th' Tyrant Victors pride,
'Tis honest Cupid's Atlas of the world;


Into a Chaos all things would be hurl'd,
Were't not for love, the peoples hate
Or love, make or undo
The best of Kings and Kingdomes too:
Love is the moving sinew of the State.


Where it is absent, nothing present is,
But envie, hatred, malice, jealousies,
Deceit and basenesse, whence are alwayes born
Horrour and anguish, grief, despight and scorn,
Mischief, revenge and wrath, which do torment,
Distract and teare the heart,
Gripe, and unhinge the man in ev'ry part,
Till all his bowels burst, and life be spent.


Love is our Empresse, all that beauteous be
Are maids of Honour to her Majestie,
Yet Love to Beauty often Presents brings,
Presented by the hands o'th' greatest King;
And 'tis no wonder Love this course doth take,
That th' Mistris thus should fee
Her maids, 'tis pretty ridling Usurie,
For Love bribes Love, for Love and Beauties sake.


Love is our Governesse, me thinks on high
I see her, greatest goddesse in the skie,
Sitting and holding all in chaines; I see
She labours hard, that all things joyn'd may be
To their most proper objects; but base spight,
Her black Antagonist,


By man and th' devils help, whom e're she list,
Forces to deeds of discord, sinne and night.


Love is mans health and food, a wealthie feast
Where Beautie oft hath made great Jove her guest,
Then my Dear, fairer then the fairest she,
Amanda shall be courted by Divinity,
If in her sacred love she prove devout,
With all the viand-joyes that be
In Love, she shall be fed eternally,
Angels themselves shall set the banquet out.