University of Virginia Library

Psal. 12. Salvum me fac.

Ad Præstantem, super Octavam. Psalmus David.


Save, Lord, for godly men are gone,
and goodnesse none that mind:
Of Adams sonne a faithfull one
example rare to find.


With faign'd discourse, and fawning style,
each one his neighbour holds:
But of his flatt'ring lips, the guile
in heart and heart he molds.


All flatt'ring lips, of fraud the traine
the Lord cut off betimes;
And tongue that strikes no lower straine,
but lofty language chimes.


Our tongue (say they) shall sure prevaile,
these lips of ours must walke;
Our lips their Masters must not faile:
what Lord shall taxe our talke?



Now for the needy soules reprize,
and poore mans groaning cares,
Up will I, saith the Lord, arise,
and save him from these snares.


Thy words, O Lord, are words as pure
as silver seven times tri'd
In Test of ashes, by the cure
of fire repurifi'd.


Thou shalt, O Lord, preserve the flocke
of thy selected sheep;
And ever from this wicked stocke
the soule that serves thee keep.


The wicked compasse every coast,
their quarter keeps no bounds:
While Adams sonnes are valew'd most,
where vilenesse most abounds.