University of Virginia Library

In commendatioun of the Translatour and the Ladye to whome thir Triumphs ar derected.

If pithye Petrarch wha thir Poemes pend
Hes purchest prayse promulgat ells by fame,
Reviving her quhais lyfe by death twik end,
And after death triumphant maid her name,
Than Poetts prease his Triumphe to proclame,
Whaise compast course conducted hes with cair
From Florence heir, and fraughted Petrarch hame,
Deckt with his Dames ascending in the air,
Into triumphe; and to augment It mair,
To yow, madame, thir Dames be all derect,
Wha (ane) including all thair vertewis rair,
Is with Triumphe abowe them all erect:
As Petrarch plaist triumphing heir we sie,
So Foular self, and yow, Madame, all thrie.
M. R. Cokburne.