University of Virginia Library

Epig. 3. To Sir I. C. Knight.

When the Law enjoyn'd your feet
To tread the Labyrinth of the Fleet,
You were clog'd with various sports;
“Bands are but Bracelets, Goales but Courts,
Sea-borne Sturgeon, broad-side Breame,
The Trout that thrives against the streame,
The Carp full laden with her spawne,
The Scarlet Lobster, prick nos'd Prawne,
Oyle-steept Anchovis (from his brine)
Came swimming in red Seas of wine;


The brawny Capon, full egg'd Hen,
The Swan, and Mallard of the Fen,
The costly Plover, mounting Lark,
Furnish't your Table, (like the Arke
Preserv'd Ogiges) whiles I made moane
Or'e smoakie beefe in Whittington.
Never was heard one note to sing,
But droopt, and hung my feeble wing:
But (Sir) your fare my soul abhors,
You fed upon your Creditors.