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The Loves of Amandus and Sophronia

Historically Narrated. A Piece of rare Contexture, Inriched with many pleasing Odes and Sonnets, occasioned by the Jocular, or Tragicall occurrences, hapning in the progresse of the Historie. Disposed into three Books, or Tracts by Samuel Sheppard

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Cupids Invitation to his BOWER.


Love expels all cares and feares,
With musick that out-vies the Spheres;
And with Soule-melting Lullabies,
Doth calme all passions that arise;
Which give a motion to the Stones,
With their sweet alluring Tones.
Hands, and lips, and eyes invite,
See the snowy Virgins white.
Here's many Alexanders brave,
As many Hellens faire I have,
Only for to wait on me,
They attired richly be.
You shall have her in plenty, lavish
Whatsoe're the Sense can ravish.
The Driades have stolen by theft
To me, and their green Groves have left;
And in this my Bower green,
Sol, Neptune, Thetis, have been seen.
I can give you Tagus Sand,
Never saile out of the Land.


I have golden Fleeces store,
Never goe to Cholchos shoare.
The Elizian Fields are in my plaine,
Therefore the shades you haunt in vaine.
Jove to me his Court doth bring,
With his Ganimeds to sing.
Carelesse of Argus hundred eyes,
Or of jealous Juno's Spies.
For nothing else the Gods made night,
But for to screene Lovers delight.