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The French Historie

That is; A lamentable Discourse of three of the chiefe, and most famous bloodie broiles that haue happened in France for the Gospell of Iesus Christ. Namelie; 1 The outrage called The winning of S. Iames his Streete, 1557. 2 The constant Martirdome of Annas Burgeus one of the K. Councell, 1559. 3 The bloodie Marriage of Margaret Sister to Charles the 9. Anno 1572. Published by A. D. [i.e. Anne Dowrich]

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Conclusion of the French pilgrime: with a description of the life and linage of Burgaus.

what a ioy is this to vs that doo remaine,

That God dooth giue to his elect such strength to conquere paine.
This is the godlie end that blessed man did make,
VVhom life & honor could not bēd his Christ for to forsake.
He liude with good report, his death deserueth fame,
And he hath left vnto his foes a leaud and filthie shame.
A rare and passing signe no doubt the Lord did giue,
To see that noble constancie in him while he did liue.
VVhose constant death in France and blood did sow the seede
VVherby the church did much increase, & godly yet do feed.
He came of honest house, in learning spent his youth,
And beeing plac'te in high degree he sought to learn the truth.
VVhereof when he had felt the sweete and pleasant tast,
He ioinde himselfe vnto the Church, & sticks to them at last.
VVell, he is gone before; and we that are behinde:
Lord grant to vs in Iesus Christ like faith and constant minde.