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Epigrammes in the oldest cut, and newest fashion

A twise seuen houres (in so many weekes) studie: No longer (like the fashion) nor vnlike to continue. The first seuen. [by] Iohn Weeuer

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Epig. 5 In Crassum.
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Epig. 5 In Crassum.

Thou'rt medling with my hat, and medling with my shoos,
Thou'rt medling with my ruffes, and medling with my hose:
Thou'rt medling with my gate, and medling with my lookes,
Thou'rt medling with my wit, and medling with my bookes:
Crassus, thy medling hath this guerdon only gottē
Medlers are neuer ripe before that they be rotten.