University of Virginia Library

False Knaues will neuer be true.

Two wicked villaines of the cursed crue,
Did vow to be vnto each other true;
In all they got vpon the high-way side,
What ere it was, most equall to diuide.
Remaining sharers thus, too well they sped,
Till one of them fell sicke and kept his bed.
The partner theife, then took the trade alone,
And desp'ratly did venter, fearing none.
As phrase is vsd, without both feare or wit,
Many bold robberies he did commit,
And scapt them all, but yet with many a wound,
Meane time the other was recouered sound:
And comes to question with his fellow theefe,
Acquainting him with wants and money griefe:
Demanding of him by their league and vow,
The halfe that he had gotten to allow,
For fellow (saith he) we are bound by oath,
To share all purchase equall twixt vs both.
Tis true (quoth tother) Ile not be forsworne,
To breake my promise with thee, I do scorne.

So drawes a Bag of mony, and his sword,
And sayes behold, I meane to keepe my word,
There's halfe the mony for thee thou dost craue,
And come and take thee halfe the wounds I haue
We will be halfes aswell in th' one as th' other,
Ile bate you not a scar, good Theefe sworne brother,
When he had heard his resolution thus,
Pray' Iudas (quoth he) keepe the Bagge for vs,
Share wounds, I like not, thou maist sheath thy blade
Weele haue a Scriuener, when next match is made.