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A worke in Ryme contayning an Enter-lude of Myndes, witnessing the Mans Fall from God and Christ. Set forth by HN, and by him newly porused and amended. Translated out of Base-almaynes into English [by Christopher Vitell?]

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Then consider farder, that the Worlde wil not be taught,
But only by those, of then

2. Timo. 4.

owne priuate choosing.

Which is now the cause, of many a Soules loosing:
Euen as it came-to-pas, in the time of Christ likewyse.
For many f[illeg.]e Teachers ; with Euny then did ryse/
And forbood

Act. 4.b. 5.

to heare any, but themselues, in any case.

The Appostles Doctrine ; for them; was much to base/
Because they were not Men, of Famous-learned-skyll.
So now; withall Per[illeg.]sones; it lykewyse goeth still/
Which to the holy Church, contemne and much dispise:
Blaspheame and charge the Loue, with Packs of forged Lyes/
And know not-at-all/

Abac. 1.a. Act. 13.c.

what God both work nor how.


Therfore hath the Loue, taken vppon her now/
The Trueth ; in thissame Playe; apparantly to showe.

O ; Good information; tis much that thou dost knowe.
Declare yet faeder vnto mee, what ; ce[illeg.]e shall now beginn.