University of Virginia Library


A single SI QVIS, and a quadruple QVERE, with the Occasions of them, presented to the Members of the honorable House of Commons, touching a Petition, with certain Verses annexed, and lately layd at their feet in the said House of Commons, by Major G. W.

The SI QUIS, and the Occasion of it.

That day, in which Victorious Cromwel sent
His first Express, (to your great wonderment)
Of Hamiltons Defeat; which, whilest a Scot
Shall be remembred, will not be forgot:
Ev'n on that Day, before your feet I spread,
A sad Petition, humbly prefaced,
By these ensuing lines;
He that is prostrate on the floor,
Lies there, whence he can fall no lower:
So does this Orator of Your.
Petitions, he, hath oft conveyd
Into your hands; yet finds no ayd
These, therefore, at your Feet are layd.


Where, let them not neglected lie,
Nor, unregarded, throw them by,
But view them with a gracious eye.
And, let our Parents not provoke
Their Children, till offence be took,
By which, their patience may be broke.
Consider those, who lie below;
For, you shall reap, what you do sow;
And, find such mercy, as you show.
Refresh their spirits, who are sad,
As God, this day, hath made you glad,
By those good tydings you have had.
Among the rest, this Beadsman here,
That feels the wants, which they but fear,
Who, dread th'effects of this moyst year.
And, blame him not, that, thus he shows
His Cause, as well in Verse, as Prose,
And, in a Path untrodden goes.
For, scarce, Earth, Water, Air, or Fire
Enjoys he; or, wherewith to hire,
That Pittance Nature doth require.
And, men in danger to be drownd
Lay hold on any Trifle found,
To reconvey them safe a ground.
But, his annexed Paper view,
And let him favor'd be of you,
As, that, which it avers, is true.
And, if for that, which he prefers
His suit, there stand Competitors,
Let it be neither, His, nor Theirs,
But, as most equitable, it appears.
These (to my Prayer fixed) for your view,
I left upon the Pavement, and withdrew;


In hope some kind hand, would have been extended
To raise it, that my Cause might be commended
To free Debate. But, six days, now, are gone,
And, God, since then, the favor late bestown
Doubles and triples upon you; yet, I
Still at your door, unheard, unheeded, lie;
And find not so much as a Friend, by whom
To learn, what of those Papers is become.
Of private searches, therefore, being wearie,
I set up now, a Si quis, and a Quære,
And, thus, it follows here: If any man,
“Who sits, within your Walls, instruct me can,
“How I may know, what hand convey'd away
“My Prayer from your sight, upon the day
“Of your glad tydings: Or, if he that seiz'd
“Those humbled Papers, will be nobly pleas'd
“So to produce them, that, I may obtain
“Due remedy, for what they do complain;
“It shall beget a servant, who will strive
“To merit those Occasions it may give
“Of that obligement: And, for his reward,
“Shall gain him Prayers, too; which will be heard
“For him, and his, perchance, when feel they may,
“What 'tis to be neglected, when we pray.
But, whatsoe're effect vouchsafed be;
God bless the King, the Parliament, and Me.

The quadruple QUERE, and the Occasion of it.

Your House receiving notice, twelve moneths since,
Of my long-suffrings, and known Indigence,
(Occasion'd by your service,) thought it fit,
To some selected Members, to commit
The finding an Employment, to supply
Subsistence, till, my great necessity
Might be removed, by discharging that,
Which is yet owing, to me, by the State:
And, having long, without success attended,
I now, at last, by them, am recommended


To serve as one of those Commissioners,
By whom, Supream Authority confers
Wine Licences. Wherein, since, there appears,
With me, nor few, nor mean Competitors;
And that the Place, hath been aspersed by
Some, lately, as a Grand-Monopoly.
I humbly make these Queries.
“First, Whether he, that hath suspected bin.
“To hate that Cause, which you ingage us in,
“Standing Competitor with him that's known
“To hazard for it, more then all his own;
“Can be prefer'd, without a wrong, to you,
“And an incroachment, on the others due?
“Next, Whether, a Competitor defam'd
“For breach of Trust, (by whomsoever nam'd,)
“Ought rather, by your Votes, to be befriended,
“Then he, that to your House is recommended
“By your own Members? and, 'gainst whom, no man
“Exhibite, justly, an Impeachment can.
“Then, Whether, he your Grace deserveth best,
“Who hath for you, lost all his interest,
“In outward things? Or they, whose wealth is more
“Since these Distractions, then it was before?
“And lastly, Whether ought may be compriz'd
“Among things, judg'd, to be Monopoliz'd,
“When all the profits, which from thence arise,
“Are brought into the publike Tresuries?
“And, whereof, neither one alone, nor few,
“But ev'ry man receives his proper due.
Consider, I beseech you; but of these
Few Queries, and then do as you shall please:
For, though my hopes in these poor suits may fail,
Yet, in my noblest ayme, I shall prevail.
Yea, ere this Land hath rest, a day will be,
In which, there shall be some regard of me;
And, wherein, that, which is perus'd with Jeers,
Shall fill their scornful Readers full of Fears.
Fiat Voluntas Dei.
G. Wither.