University of Virginia Library



I sit where the shadows of twilight steal o'er me,
While the wildbirds are warbling their last fitful hymn,
And I think of the loved who have entered before me
That dwelling whose glory shall never grow dim.
Forever the land of the spirits seems nearer,
When twilight steals over the earth's quiet breast,
And the harps of the angels sound sweeter and clearer,
What time the last day-beams go out in the west.
Oh! if all my dreams were as bright and elysian
As those which the eve to my spirit still brings,
I could sit here forever to woo the sweet vision,
And dream about heaven and heavenly things!
For I long to be up where the seraphim gather
With the ransomed of Zion whom Jesus has blest,
And where, in the smile of our heavenly Father,
Our purified spirits forever shall rest!