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THE SAME, 1828,


With hurried fingers sweep he lyre—
Let not its music sound of earth—


In concert, let the voice conspire
To usher in the Year with mirth.
Lo, this the day to cheer the heart
With brightning hopes celestial given—
To cause the grateful tear to start
For bounties from the hand of heaven.
Where can we glance th' inquiring eye,
And not behold in proud career,
Our country borne in honor high
Within the last departed year?
Health o'er the land hath spread her wings—
Chas'd maddening fever from the veins;
The vallies rich with harvestings,
Have blest the toils of labouring swains.
Ah, who like freemen can rejoice?
Creation smiles for them alone—
The laws are their adopted choice—
The flocks, the herds are all their own!
No priest is near to claim his tenth—
No lord, to rob them of their toil;
No kingly arm unmans their strength—
Themselves the sovereigns of the soil!
See Europe in her thraldom chain'd,
And still fair Hope the prospect, flees;
Her fields with deep oppression stain'd—
In bleak distress her children freeze.
Must thy bright vales, O Europe! be
Forever track'd by tyrant's heel!


Is there no arm with impulse, free,
To reach their tiger-heart—with steel?
Yes, thou hast one—a glorious one,
Ready th' avenging sword to whet—
To strike the sceptred from their throne—
The friend of Washington—FAYETTE!
O Spain! I hear thy voice afar—
Strive—strike to win th' immortal prize!
Unsheath thy freedom's scimetar—
And let Riego's spirit rise!
Greece!—O ye patriots bend the knee,
And pray for her with brow to heaven—
Pray—that her children may be free
Her foes by vict'ry's lightening riven!
Thou God of battles! edge her sword—
Her cause like hallow'd freedom, just;
Give to her councils firm accord—
Bow imperious traitors to the dust!
The Muse reluctant must return
From Greece, where flames the righteous war,
For whose success the affections burn,
To sing the fame of Bolivar:
Yes, Bolivar, when Faction rag'd,
Girded his mighty armour on;
He soon the monster's wrath assuag'd—
He's done the deed of Washington!
Improvements like enchantments spring
On every hand at Genius' call—


The fig, the grape, are blossoming—
The vallies rise—the mountains fall,
That kindred brothers of the East,
May come and clear the forest-wood,
On nature's rich abundance, feast—
Binding the States in sisterhood.
Kentucky, rise!—no longer thus,
Pause in the glorious work begun—
Awake thy spirit, chivalrous,
And gird thy strength, resistless on!