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Where, as a lordly dream,
Glides the deep-winding stream
For evermore;
Calm, as in conscious strength,
Bends thy majestic length,
From shore to shore.
Life, in its fevered heat,
Surges, with pulsing feet,
Restless, above;
Doomed, in its anxious flow,
Like the strong tide below,
Onward to move.
Strange is the motley throng!
Hearts yet untaught of wrong,
Thoughtless of pain,
Mingle with souls accurs'd,
Sands in a desert thirst—
Clouds without rain.
While o'er thee and below
Swift the twin currents flow,
Thy form serene,
Still as the shades that sleep
On the reflecting deep
Arches between.


O that, all strife above,
Strong in the strength thereof
Man evermore
Built, with a broader span,
Love for his fellow-man
From shore to shore!