University of Virginia Library



I saw a brave compositor
Go hustling o'er the mead,
Who bore a banner with these words:
“Hurrah for Whitelaw Reid!”
“Where go you, brother slug,” I asked,
“With such unusual speed?”
He quoth: “I go to dump my vote
For gallant Whitelaw Reid!”
“But what has Whitelaw done,” I asked,
“That now he should succeed?”
Said he: “The stanchest, truest friend
We have is Whitelaw Reid!
“There are no terms we can suggest
That he will not concede;
He is converted to our faith,
Is gallant Whitelaw Reid!
“The union it must be preserved—
That is this convert's creed,
And that is why we're whooping up
The cause of Whitelaw Reid!”


“If what you say of him be sooth,
You have a friend indeed,
So go on your winding way,” quoth I,
“And whoop for Whitelaw Reid!”
So on unto the polls I saw
That printer straight proceed
While other printers swarmed in swarms
To vote for Whitelaw Reid.