University of Virginia Library

Teach-In Change

Offender Aid and
Restoration Director Wayne
Shannon announced Monday
that there will be a change in
part of the scheduled
community teach-in program
to be held Feb. 22 and 23 at
Walker Jr. High School.

Judge Alfred Burka of
Washington, D.C. will replace
the former U.S. Senator from
Maryland, Joseph D. Tydings
as the featured speaker on the
topic of corrections reform.
Mr. Tydings was forced to
cancel his appearance because
of his involvement in land-use
litigation on the West Coast.

Mr. Burka is well known in
the Washington D.C. area for
his work on correctional
reform. He has served as
Assistant U.S. Attorney and is
presently Judge of the Superior
Court of Washington, D.C. Mr.
Burka is a lecturer on criminal
reform at American University.