University of Virginia Library

Closed Circuit TV

"With all these people they are
thinking about ways to let people tour
Monticello, and they have been toying
with the idea of closed circuit television,"
Mr. Collier added.

This idea drew comments from some
members of Council about "American
capitalism at work."

Mr. Collier also reported that plans for
the celebration at the University may
include renovation of the Rotunda. The
plan for renovation would include
building three floors inside, according to
Mr. Collier.

"The first floor would be President
Shannon's office, the second would be a
new club for students, and the third
would be a rare book room, Mr. Collier

Bill Olson, a graduate student,
suggested that the Council might be able
to get aid from the American People's
Bicentennial Revolutionary Committee
for help in protecting the environment.
The Committee plans to give grants "to
try to see that people get the other side
about the revolution, the side pushed by
Sam Adams and Thomas Jefferson," Mr.
Alson added.