University of Virginia Library

Today's Army

Senator Stennis thought it was
important. He commented
yesterday that the draft was
necessary because the kind of men
volunteering were hardly worth
training, they were too stupid, slow
and ignorant to be of any use in
TODAY'S ARMY. Of course he
doesn't have much to say about the
Army's recruiting program; a
$10,000,000.00 propagandizing,
misleading and banal attempt to
attract men to the military. Nor
does he realize that poor people
(read black or ignorant) have
nothing better to hope for 'cause
they've been shut out of other
avenues-like adequate food,
housing, and elementary education.

So it seems we're stuck with the
draft for another two years.
Fortunately it's become a great deal
more equitable. College students no
longer will receive exemptions.

That's right, read it and weep,
all you middle class aristocrats with
low numbers, when your number
comes around, 12 years of
education will allow you to earn
120 dollars a month (maybe a little
more when the price freeze ends).
Two years in the army won't really
hurt, at least you'll learn to "cover
your ass" so that next time you
won't be caught so short.