University of Virginia Library

Interesting Questions

Some other interesting questions
Mr. Childress has dealt with in his
writings include moral
considerations of non-violent
resistance and medical ethics in
choosing who shall live when not all
can live. With such controversial
topics being offered in the
Department of Religious Studies,
it's not surprising to learn that the
enrollment has grown from 135
students in the fall of 1967 (the
Department's first year as part of
the University) to over 875 enrolled
in 1970.

Under the direction of David B.
Harned, Chairman of the
Department, the religious studies
program is undergoing expansion
and revision to keep up with
student interest in the field. One
interesting statistic concerning the
growth of the Department is the
fact that of the approximately 875
students enrolled in religion
courses, only 40 to 50 are actually
majors. Why are so many
non-majors finding relevance in
even the higher level courses?