University of Virginia Library

Interim Plan

The consultants also developed an interim
plan of several steps that could be taken leading
to the time when one of the three major
concepts would be implemented. They include:
rearranging parking spaces in existing parking
areas and grading new areas for parking; zoning
all parking areas by use or affiliation; metering
visitor spaces; increasing charges for parking
permits; retaining a traffic engineering
consultant on a continuing basis.

Charles E. Moran, chairman of the
University's Traffic Control Committee, said
that while no action has been taken on the
Kimley-Horn study, "We hope to proceed soon
with the second study which would determine
how to implement the kind of
recommendations laid down in the first study.

"Hopefully the second study could be
started after the University hires a traffic
coordinator - a newly created position at he
University. This official would provide much of
the guidance in developing an overall plan to
meet the University's traffic needs," Mr. Moran