University of Virginia Library

Photogenic Qualities

She said that the decision to make a girl a
playmate is based on whether a girl is photogenic
or not, and her physical attractiveness. She also
said that the playmates have no sort of social
group and that she has only met a few playmates.

The playmates who are chosen to do
promotional tours are picked mainly for their
personality, according to Miss Wilson.

For her, being a playmate has not had a great
impact on her life to the extent that she is
harassed by autograph seekers.

"People on the street don't recognize me, and
I usually don't make it a point to tell people I
meet that I was a Playmate," Miss Wilson said.
She lives in Hollywood, the home of many bigger
celebrities, and "in that area people just aren't
impressed by someone who is a playmate," she

"Most of my friends are in show business and
I'm usually more impressed by what they are
doing," she added.

"If I date a guy and it comes up that I was a
playmate and he makes a big deal about it, then I
think he's a drag and I don't date him again," she