University of Virginia Library

Duke Coalition Formed

A founder of the Student Legal Action
Movement at Duke University, James Rowan,
will speak today at 4 p.m. in the Law School
Lounge sponsored by the Extra-Legal Forum.

Mr. Rowan, a second year law student, has
been instrumental in enlisting law student
participation in the efforts by a broad coalition
of Duke students to end racism at Duke. Prior
to his enrollment at Duke Law School, Mr.
Rowan once worked for SNCC, he has also
been a community organizer for the Office of
Economic Opportunity and the United Planning
Organizations in New York and in
Washington respectively, and he has served as a
trainer for Peace Corps and VISTA volunteers.

In the Monday-afternoon program which is
open to the University public, Mr. Rowan will
discuss the events and circumstances leading up
to the events at Duke, the actual incidents, and
the role played by law students at Duke. The
program will be open to questions and
discussion, and everyone is invited to attend.

Duke University recently plunged itself into
national headlines when the Afro-American
Student Association peacefully ended their
day-long occupation of the administration
building and joined in a rally with 1,000 white
student sympathizers. Twenty-six persons were
injured when the Durham and state police used
tear-gas and clubs to disperse the rally.