University of Virginia Library


In accordance with the resolution adopted by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors
of the University of Virginia on 14 July 1945, the following appointment was announced:

Colonel John S. Hudson as Professor of Naval Science, effective 7 September 1964, at no salary
from the University.

Also, the following appointments were announced:

Miss Zula M. Baber as Acting Dean of the School of Nursing, for the period 1 August 1964
through 30 June 1965.

Dr. Kenneth R. Crispell as Dean of the School of Medicine, effective 1 July 1964.

Mr. Paul T. David as Chairman of the Department of Political Science and Chairman of the
Woodrow Wilson Department of Foreign Affairs, for five years, effective 1 July 1964.

Mr. Roger C. Davis as Acting Assistant Dean of the School of Architecture, for one year,
effective 1 July 1964.

Mr. Charles E. Hamner as Director of the Vivarium, for three years, effective 1 July 1964.

Mr. John F. Harlan, Jr. as Acting Assistant Director of the Medical Center and Acting Director,
University Hospital, for one year, effective 1 July 1964.

Colonel John S. Hudson as Chairman of the Department of Naval Science, effective 7 September

Dr. Thomas H. Hunter as Chancellor for Medical Affairs, effective 1 July 1964.

Dr. Jan Langman as Chairman of the Department of Anatomy, effective 1 September 1964.

Dr. George R. Minor as Assistant Dean of the School of Medicine, for one year, effective
1 July 1964.

Mr. Robert H. Owens as Chairman of the Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
in the School of Engineering and Applied Science, effective 1 September 1964.

Mr. John M. Stacey as Director of the Medical Center, effective 1 July 1964.