University of Virginia Library


The President presented to the Board copies of proposed changes in the regulations
governing student eligibility for the operation of motor vehicles. These proposals were designed
as amendments to the regulations which the Board had adopted at its meeting on 14 June 1958. The
President pointed out that the regulations had been originally presented to him by the Committee
on Undergraduates and that they had been revised in cooperation with the Dean of the University
and the Student Council. He concluded by stating that the regulations as submitted bore his
approval and that of the Dean of the University and the Student Council

After considerable discussion, the Board adopted the following resolution

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the changes in the regulations governing student eligibility for the operation of motor
vehicles, proposed jointly by the President, the Dean of the University, and the Student
Council, be and they are hereby adopted as set forth below

With certain exceptions, hereinafter set forth, the following are recommended to become
effective with the entering class of 1958-1959. These regulations apply to the regular academic
session, including all special occasions, and are intended to remain in effect until the Spring
of 1963, at which time they may be reviewed

1. No first-year student in the undergraduate schools of the University shall be permitted
to maintain or operate a motor vehicle at any time except as indicated in paragraph 5.

2. No student in the undergraduate schools of the University in the first semester of his
second year may maintain or operate a motor vehicle unless he has at least a 3.00 grade-point
average for the preceding semester of his residence in the University. No student in the
undergraduate schools of the University in the second semester of his second year may maintain or
operate a motor vehicle unless he has at least a 2.80 grade-point average for the preceding
semester of his residence in the University

3. No student in the undergraduate schools of the University in the first or second
semester of his third year may maintain or operate a motor vehicle unless he has at least a
2.50 grade-point average for the preceding semester of his residence in the University

4. No student in the undergraduate schools of the University in the first or second semester
of his fourth year may maintain or operate a motor vehicle unless he has at least a 2.20 grade-point
average for the preceding semester of his residence in the University.

5. A first-year man may operate a motor vehicle at Midwinters and Easters provided he had
a 2.50 average for the first semester. All other undergraduates may operate a motor vehicle
at Openings, Midwinters and Easters provided they have a 2.00 grade-point average for the
preceding semester

6. No undergraduate student on probation or warning of any kind shall be permitted to
maintain or operate a motor vehicle at any time.

7. To determine eligibility to operate a motor vehicle, all transfer students will be
considered as first-year students for the first semester of their residence. Their grades during
that semester and the number of semester-hours that they transfer and earn here will determine
their eligibility to operate a motor vehicle during their second semester of residence

8. The Deans of the undergraduate schools of the University will determine the criteria
for the classification of students above the first year of residence

9. Exceptions to these recommendations above shall be made for due cause, such as
physical disability, essential domestic use, occupational need, or distance of residence from
the University. As in the past, the Dean of the University shall be empowered to make exceptions
at his discretion