University of Virginia Library


32. Proctor's Journal, 1817-1851.

5 vols.; IV and V both lettered "C"; III dated "April 1, 1828". Index unattached
in back of III; not indexed, I, II, IV, V. B (west room, west wall).

Title varies: no title, I; Journal, II-IV; Proctor's Journal, V.

Original entries of business transactions of Central College (1817-1819) and of the
University (1819-1851). Vol. I covers 1817-1822 and vol. II covers 1819-1828;
but, despite the overlapping of dates, they are apparently the same type of record
and presumably belong in the same series.

33. Proctor's Ledger, 1817-1832, 1859-1905.

47 vols.; IV lettered "C"; III, V-XLVII dated. Index attached in front of I, II,
IV; index unattached in V-XLVII; not indexed, III. B (west room, west wall).

Title varies: Ledger, I, II, IV; Proctor's Ledger, III, V-XLVII.

Final entries of financial transactions of Central College (1817-1819) and of the
University (1819-1832, 1859-1905). During 1833-1858 this record was kept by the
Patron (item 46). Succeeded by General Ledger (item 49).

34. [Proctor's] Day Book, 1821-1828.

1 vol. Not indexed. B (west room, west wall).

A daily record of all business transactions.

35. Receipt Book [for Subscriptions to the University], 1824.

1 vol. Not indexed. B (west room, south wall).

Accounts of about 100 persons who had subscribed to an unknown fund for the University.
The debit for each was dated April 30 or 31; it is interesting to note
that as late as June 30, the date of latest entry, only a handful of payments had
been credited to these accounts. For other contents of this vol. cf. item 36.

36. Receipt Book, 1825-1827.

1 vol. Not indexed. B (west room, south wall).

Signed receipts demanded by the Proctor of persons to whom he made payments.
For other contents of this vol. cf. item 35.


Page 15

37. Students' Register, 1825-1905.

4 vols.; III dated. Not indexed. B (west room, west wall).

Title varies: Matriculation Book, I, II; Register of Students, III; Students' Register,

Matriculation records probably kept by the Proctor, perhaps more in his capacity
as a disciplinary officer than as a financial accountant. At the top of the pages is
a pledge of intention to obey the University's laws, which the students signed
below, giving typical matriculation information about themselves. This series
is especially valuable as the largest repository of student signatures. It was
abandoned when the Registrar's Matriculation Cards (item 25) came into use.
For other matriculation records cf. items 17, 20, 24, 26.

38. Students Receipt Book [for Unsettled Accounts], 1865-1882.

1 vol. Not indexed. B (west room, west wall).

Record of amounts overdue on student fees and of the notes by which these debts
were covered. For a portion of this period a temporary and similar list of student
delinquencies is available in Journal of Unpaid Student Accounts (item 39).
For a later list of notes cf. item 60.

39. Journal [of Unpaid Student Accounts], 1866-1874.

1 vol. Not indexed. B (west room, west wall).

Names of students in debt to the University for delinquent fees and of the
amounts they owed. Some of the names are scratched out, indicating that their
accounts were settled. This record was transcribed in final form in Students
Receipt Book for Unsettled Accounts (item 38). For other contents of this vol.
cf. items 74-76.

40. Proctor's Cash, 1879-1905.

15 vols.; IX-XV dated. Not indexed. B (west room, west wall).

Title varies: Proctor's Cash Book, I, IV-VI; Day-Book, II; Cash Book, III;
Day, VII; Cash, VIII; Proctor's Cash, IX-XV.

A daily record of cash receipts and disbursements. Succeeded by Bursar's Cash
(item 48).

41. [Proctor's] Cash Book, 1884-1886.

1 vol. Not indexed. B (west room, west wall).

A rough and apparently temporary daily record of cash receipts and disbursements.

42. Dormitory Register, 1891+.

3 vols.; III numbered "No. 2". Not indexed. B (west room, west wall).

Title varies: Room Register, I; Dormitory Register, II, III.

Names of students occupying all rooms in University dormitories, recorded session
by session.

43. Record of Endowments and Donations, 1895+.

1 vol. Index attached in front. B (west room, south wall).

A list of endowments and other gifts to the University, recording name of donor,
amount and date of the benefaction, and the official name, if any, of the donation.

44. Accounts and Financial Correspondence, 1897-1914.

13 vols.; XIII dated "October 1, 1912". Index attached in front of I-XII; not
indexed, XIII. B (west room, south wall), I-XII. B (west room, west wall),

Title varies: no title, I, III, IV, VII, IX, X; Letters and Statements, II; Letters,
V, VI, XI-XIII; Accounts and Financial Correspondence, VIII.

Copies of official letters and of miscellaneous accounts, deposits, and statements
of the Proctor and Bursar. For other correspondence of the Bursar cf. item 51.