University of Virginia Library


In this school are taught the Latin and Greek languages; the
Greek and Roman History, Geography, and Literature; and the
Hebrew language. The instruction is given partly by lectures and
examinations, and partly by comments on portions of the text-books
appointed to be read by the student. It embraces the following
subjects, distributed according to the classes.

I. Junior Latin.—1. General principles and doctrines of the Etymology.

2. The application of these general principles in the explanation
of the formation and composition of the words of the language,
considered individually, and without regard to their relations to
other words in a sentence.

The doctrine of the primary and secondary significations of
words is considered in connection with this branch of the subject,
and is illustrated in the lectures from day to day as occasion may

3. The accidence, or inflectional forms of words, expressing the
relations in which they stand to other words in a sentence. These
modifications of the forms of words are in like manner explained
by the application of the general principles of the Etymology.

4. The Syntax, or laws which govern the relations existing between
the several parts of a sentence or discourse, whether indicated
by the inflections of words, or by particles. This subject is
treated of partly in lectures specially devoted to it, partly by way
of prelections and comment on the portions of authors read in the
lecture room, and partly in connection with the written exercises.

For the above subjects the text-books are the Professor's printed
notes, Beck's Latin Syntax, containing the most important parts of
the Syntax of Zumpt's Latin Grammar.

5. The doctrine of the quantity of syllables, and the metres. The
students are advised to use Carey's Latin Prosody, or Anthon's
Prosody, which contains what is most useful in Carey's.

6. The Latin authors used as text-books are Horace, Virgil,
Cicero's Orations, and his Epistles ad Diversos, Terence, and
Cæsar's Commentaries. The last chiefly with a view to the written

II. Senior Latin.—1. Prelections and commentaries on portions
of the classic authors, embracing, besides the other matters necessary


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for the better understanding of these, a further development
of the doctrines of philology taught in the Junior Class.

The text-books are Horace, Juvenal, Livy, and Tacitus.

2. Geography of Ancient Italy. The maps of ancient and
modern Italy, published by the "Society for the Diffusion of Useful
Knowledge," are recommended.

3. Roman History. This subject is taught by prelections, and
by examinations on the text-books. These are the History of
Rome published by the "Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge,"
Niebuhr's History of Rome, and the History of Rome in
Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopedia.

III. Junior Greek.—1. The Etymology, considered in its general
principles and in its applications, the Syntax, and the Prosody and
metres, are taught to this class in the same way as to the Junior

For these subjects Kühner's Greek Grammar is the text-book.

2. The Greek authors read and explained in the lecture room, are
Xenophon's Anabasis, Herodotus, and a play of Æschylus or Euripides.
The Greek and English Lexicon of Donnegan is that preferred.

IV. Senior Greek.—1. Prelections and commentaries on portions
of the Greek classic authors, in the same way as in the Senior
Latin class, and embracing the like subjects.

The Greek authors used as text-books in this class are Euripides,
Sophocles, Thucydides, and Homer. The student should have besides
Kühner, Matthiae's Greek Grammar, 5th edition of the translation.

2. Ancient Geography of Greece. The printed notes of the Professor
form the text.

3. Ancient History of Greece. It is taught by prelections, and
by examinations on the text-books. These are Thirlwall's History
of Greece, or the History of Greece in the Library of Useful

It is expected of the students of Latin and Greek that they shall
read in their rooms such authors and parts of authors, prescribed
by the Professor, as cannot be read in the lecture room; e. g.:
Cicero's Epistles to Atticus, his Orations (selected), and Treatise
"de Republica;" Sallust, Virgil, Terence, Plautus; Æschylus,
Sophocles, Euripides, Aristophanes, Demosthenes, Æschines, Thucydides,

As an essential part of the plan of instruction, the students of
each class are required to furnish written exercises; which consist
in the conversion of Latin or Greek into English, and of English
into Latin or Greek. The exercises are examined by the Professor,
and the errors marked; they are then returned to the students, and
the corrections stated and explained in the presence of the class.
For these exercises the classic authors are used as the text.

V. Hebrew.—The text-books are Biblia Hebraica, Bush's, Nordheimer's,
or Gesenius' Hebrew Grammar, and Gesenii Lexicon


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Manuale Hebr. et Chald, or Sauerwein's edition of Rehkopf's Lex.
Hebr. Chald.

In the written translations required as a test of the qualifications
of candidates for degrees, the passages used are selected by the
committee of examination, not from the portions of authors which
have been read and explained in the lecture room, but at will from
the classic writers generally.