University of Virginia Library


Professor Blættermann.—The languages taught in this school, are the
French, Spanish, Italian, German and Anglo Saxon; and if desired, will also
be taught the Danish, Swedish, Hollandish and Portuguese languages. In
each of them, there are two classes, the senior and junior, together with a third
class for those who wish to qualify themselves for degrees in this school, as it
is required that two degrees be obtained in modern languages before that of
A. M. will be conferred. Besides the oral translations in the lecture room, the
students are required to write, as regular exercises out of the lecture rooms,
translations from the foreign language into English, and vice versa. Lectures
on the Literature of each of the nations whose languages are taught, are delivered
twice a week, by the Professor; as also lectures on Modern History, and
the political relations of the different civilized nations of the present day. The
text books used are the principal classics in each language.