University of Virginia Library


The courses in astronomy are intended primarily for university students.
Course sB1 covers the work given in the fall term of the
regular session of Astronomy B1, while course sB2 covers that taken
up in the winter term. In the summer session of 1916, course sB1
will again be given and also course sB3 which is parallel to the
spring term of Astronomy B1.

Astronomy is taught by text-books, lectures, problems, and observational
exercises. A knowledge of plane trigonometry is prerequisite.

sB1. The Earth and the Moon.—Young's General Astronomy,
Chapters I, II, V, VI, VII.

Daily, from 8:30 to 9:30. Professor Simpson. Rouss Physical Laboratory,
Upper Floor.

sB2. The Sun and Practical Astronomy.—Young's General Astronomy,
Chapters III, IV, VIII, IX, X, XI.

Daily, from 9:30 to 10:30. Professor Simpson. Rouss Physical
Laboratory, Upper Floor.

University Credit.—Any student who fulfills the conditions set forth
on page 19, may, upon successful completion of the two courses outlined
above, obtain credit for Astronomy B1, by finishing the remainder
of the work during the regular university session or in the
session of the following summer.