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The code of the city of Charlottesville, Virginia, 1965 :

the charter and the general ordinances of the city

expand sectionI. 
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expand section2. 
expand section3. 
expand section4. 
expand section5. 
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expand section8. 
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expand section11. 
collapse section11.1. 
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expand sectionV. 
expand sectionVI. 
expand section12. 
expand section13. 
expand section14. 
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expand section15.1. 
expand section16. 
expand section16A. 
expand section17. 
expand section18. 
expand section19. 
expand section20. 
expand section20. 
expand section21. 
expand section22.1. 
expand section24. 
expand section25. 
expand section26. 
expand section21. 
expand section22.1. 
expand section23. 
expand section24. 
expand section25. 
expand section26. 
expand section27. 
expand section28. 
expand section29. 
expand section30. 
expand section31. 
expand section32. 
expand section33. 
expand section35. 
expand section36. 

expand sectionI. 
expand sectionII. 


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§ 28-1. Definitions.

§ 28-2. Applicability of chapter.

§ 28-3. Conflicting ordinances or regulations.

§ 28-4. Permits.

§ 28-5. Bond or insurance required for certain signs.

§ 28-6. Prohibited signs.

§ 28-7. Maintenance.

§ 28-8. Removal of signs.

§ 28-9. Signs for which permit not required.

§ 28-10. Obstructing doors, windows or fire escapes.

§ 28-11. Illumination; flashing signs.

§ 28-12. Signs permitted in particular zoning districts.

§ 28-13. Ground signs.

§ 28-14. Wall signs.

§ 28-15. Projecting signs.

§ 28-16. Marquees.

§ 28-17. Roof signs.

§ 28-18. Billboards.

§ 28-19. Clocks.

§ 28-20. Traffic hazards.

§ 28-21. Wind loads.

Sec. 28-1. Definitions.

For the purposes of this chapter, the following words and
phrases shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them
by this section:

Advertising sign. Any sign which directs attention to a
business, commodity, service or entertainment, whether or
not conducted, sold or offered upon the land or in the building
where such sign is located or to which it is attached.

Billboard (poster panel). Any board, panel or tablet used
for the display of printed or painted advertising matter.

Business sign. Any sign which directs attention to a business,
profession, commodity, service or entertainment sold or


Page 495
offered upon the land or in the building where such sign is located
or to which it is attached.

Erect. To build, construct, attach, hang, place, suspend,
project by light beam or affix any sign.

Area of facing or surface. The surface and enclosing structure
of ornamentation upon, against or through which the
message is displayed or illustrated on the sign. Where signs
do not have backboards or frames, the total area shall be determined
by measuring the smallest rectangle which encloses
all letters or symbols thereof.

Flashing sign. Any illuminated sign on which there is artificial
light which is not constant in intensity or color at all
times when such sign is in use; however, the changing of
time and temperature data on a sign shall not be construed as
a flashing sign.

Ground sign. Any sign supported by uprights or braces
placed in or upon the ground and not attached to any building.

Height. The over-all distance from the ground level to the
top of the sign structure.

Illuminated sign. Any sign which has characters, letters,
figures, designs or outline illuminated by artificial light as
a part of the sign proper.

Incombustible material. Any material which will not ignite
at or below a temperature of twelve hundred degrees Fahrenheit.

Marquee. Any canopy or other covered structure, other than
a projecting sign, projecting from and wholly supported by
a building and extending beyond the building wall.

Nonstructural trim. The moldings, battens, cappings, nailing
strips, latticing and platforms which are attached to the
sign structure.

Painted sign. Any sign painted on the exterior surface of
a building.

Projecting sign. Any sign which is attached to a building
or other structure and extends more than twelve inches beyond
the face of such building or structure.


Page 496

Roof sign. Any sign erected, constructed and maintained
wholly upon or over the roof of any building.

Sign. Every billboard, ground sign, wall sign, roof sign,
illuminated sign, projecting sign, temporary sign or other
outdoor display structure, and such term shall include any
announcement, declaration, demonstration, display, illustration
or insignia used to advertise or promote the interest of
any person or cause when placed out of doors in view of the
general public.

Structure. Anything constructed or erected, the use of
which requires a location on the ground or which is attached
to something having a location on the ground.

Temporary sign. Any sign, banner, pennant or valance of
advertising display constructed of cloth, canvas, light fabric,
cardboard, wallboard or other light materials, with or without
frames, intended to be displayed for not more than thirty

Wall sign. Any sign or lettering, projecting not more than
twelve inches, which is placed against or attached to the
front, rear or side wall of a building, but such term shall not
include professional name plates that comply with subsections
(c) and (e) of section 28-9. (8-5-63.)

Sec. 28-2. Applicability of chapter.

The provisions of this chapter shall govern the construction,
alteration, repair, maintenance and use of all signs and other
outdoor display structures, together with their appurtenant
and auxiliary devices, with respect to structure, fire and public
safety, but shall be applicable only to such signs as are
erected, replaced, rehung or structurally altered after August
5, 1963. (8-5-63.)

Sec. 28-3. Conflicting ordinances or regulations.

Where this chapter differs in any manner from the provisions
of the Building Code or any other ordinance or regulation
of the city, the ordinance, code or regulation imposing
the greatest restriction upon the use of any sign shall control.


Page 497

Sec. 28-4. Permits.

It shall be unlawful for any person to erect, structurally
alter, rehang or replace any sign or outdoor display structure
within the city without first submitting an application for an
erection permit to the building inspector. Such application
shall be accompanied with plans and specifications showing
the dimensions, materials and details of construction. The
application shall contain the written consent of the owner or
lessee of the land or building upon which the sign is to be
erected for such erection. A fee of five dollars shall accompany
each application.

A permit shall not be required for the mere changing of
painting or the reposting of advertising copy of display matter
on signs or theater marquees designed for the use of replaceable
copy, provided such change does not violate the provisions
of this chapter.

The building official shall not issue a permit for any sign
unless it has been determined that the proposed sign is in
conformity with any approved site plan affecting the property
upon which the sign is to be placed. (9-5-72.)

Sec. 28-5. Bond or insurance required for certain signs.

No person shall erect, structurally alter, rehang or replace
any sign which projects over the street line or which is installed
nearer to the street line than the height of the sign
unless he has filed with the building inspector a bond of fifty
thousand dollars or an approved public liability insurance
policy issued by a company authorized to do business in the
state in the face amount of fifty thousand dollars, with the
city as an insured party. Such bond shall be conditioned on
the construction, erection and maintenance of such sign in
accordance with the provisions of this chapter, shall save
harmless the city from all claims or damages by reason of the
construction, erection and maintenance of such sign or part
thereof and shall not be cancelled by the principal or surety
until after ten days' written notice to the building inspector.


Page 498

Sec. 28-6. Prohibited signs.

The following signs are prohibited within the city:

(a) Any sign affixed to, hung, placed or painted on any
fence, tree, public utility pole or radio, television or similar
tower; provided, that this shall not affect signs placed on
utility poles by the city.

(b) Any sign or banner across a public right of way, unless
approved by the city council.

(c) Any sign on an awning which is not a marquee.

(d) Any flashing sign, except those listed in subsection (g)
of section 28-9. (8-5-63.)

Sec. 28-7. Maintenance.

The owner of any sign shall be required to keep such sign
properly maintained at all times. (8-5-63.)

Sec. 28-8. Removal of signs.

Any sign which is unlawfully installed after August 5,
1963, or is improperly maintained or ceases to be a lawful
sign under the provisions of this chapter shall be taken down
and removed by the owner, agent or person having the beneficial
use of the building or structure or land upon which such
sign may be found, within ten days after written notification
to do so from the building inspector. Upon failure to comply
with such notice within the time specified therein, the building
inspector may cause the removal of such sign. Any expenses
incident thereto shall be paid by the owner of the building
or structure or land upon which such sign is erected. (8-5-63.)

Sec. 28-9. Signs for which permit not required.

No permit shall be required for the following signs, provided
they are installed in compliance with the provisions of
this chapter:

(a) Real estate signs, not exceeding six square feet in area,
which advertise for sale or rental the land or building upon


Page 498.1
which such signs are located. Such signs shall not be illuminated
and shall not be more than four feet in height.

(b) A temporary real estate sign announcing the development
of a new subdivision when:

(1) Only one sign is erected on the land or building.

(2) It is not illuminated.

(3) It is not over fifty square feet in area.

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Page 499

(4) It is not over ten feet in height.

(5) It is not less than fifty feet from any street intersection
or adjacent property.

No such sign shall remain standing after eighty per cent of
the subdivision lots have been sold.

(c) Professional name plates, not exceeding one square foot
in area, when placed flat upon the wall of the building.

(d) Bulletin boards, not over twenty-four square feet in
area, for municipal or governmental buildings or for buildings
used for religious purposes, when erected upon the building
or land upon such building is located.

(e) Monumental inscriptions, memorial signs or tablets
containing the name of a building or date of erection, etc.,
when cut into any masonry surface or when constructed of
bronze or other incombustible material.

(f) Signs denoting the architect, engineer or contractor
when placed upon work under construction. The total area
of such signs shall not exceed thirty-two square feet per
project and such signs shall not be illuminated.

(g) Traffic or municipal signs, railroad crossing signs,
danger, safety, temporary or emergency signs or Christmas
decorations across a public right of way, as may be authorized
by the city manager.

(h) Signs painted on the exterior surfaces of a building,
but only in B-1, B-2, B-3, M-1 and M-2 zoning districts, and
then only when they comply with the provisions of this chapter.

(i) A traffic safety sign, which has been approved as to size,
type and location by the city council, constructed and maintained
by a nonprofit organization. (8-5-63; 3-1-65.)

Sec. 28-10. Obstructing doors, windows or fire escapes.

No sign shall be erected, replaced or relocated so as to
prevent free ingress or egress from any door, window or fire
escape, nor shall it obstruct the light and ventilation required
by other provisions of this Code or other city ordinances from
any window. No advertising or business sign of any kind shall
be attached to a standpipe or fire escape. (8-5-63.)

Sec. 28-11. Illumination; flashing signs.

When exposed incandescent lamps are used for ground


Page 500
signs, marquees, roof signs, billboards or wall signs, they shall
be equipped with gooseneck reflectors or other devices arranged
so as to concentrate the illumination upon the area of
the sign and prevent glare.

Each outline lighting installation and each illuminated sign
shall be controlled by a time switch or externally operable
switch which will open all ungrounded conductors and shall
be suitable for conditions of installation, such as exposure to
the weather.

Any existing flashing sign, except those listed in subsection
(3), of section 28-9, shall be turned off by 11:00 P.M. every
night. (8-5-63.)

Sec. 28-12. Signs permitted in particular zoning districts.

In addition to the signs permitted by section 28-9, only the
following signs may be erected in the zoning districts hereinafter

(a) In R-2 residential districts:

(1) Tourist home signs and rooming and boardinghouse
signs located on the land or building, not exceeding six square
feet in area on each side, not exceeding three feet in any
dimension and not exceeding six feet in height, provided a
current city license permits the activity advertised by such
sign. Only one such sign shall be installed on the land or
building and shall not be erected closer than ten feet to any
lot line.

(2) If such signs are illuminated, they shall use incandescent
shaded lamps of not greater than fifty watts total
capacity on each face of the sign, or, if interior lighting is
used, a total wattage of not more than one hundred watts.

(b) In R-3 multiple dwelling districts:

(1) Any sign permitted in an R-2 residential district.

(2) Tourist home, rooming and boardinghouses and
apartment house signs located on the land or building, not
exceeding twelve square feet in area on each side, and not exceeding
twelve feet in height. Only one sign shall be installed
on the land or building and shall not be erected closer than ten
feet to any lot line.

(3) If such signs are illuminated, they shall use incandescent
shaded lamps of not greater than one hundred
watts total capacity on each face of the sign, or, if interior


Page 501
lighting is used, a total wattage of not more than two hundred

(c) In B office shop districts:

(1) Any sign permitted in an R-3 residential district.

(2) A sign applicable to goods sold or services rendered
on the land or in the building upon which it is displayed or
stating the name of the establishment; provided, that any
such sign shall not be over thirty square feet in area on each
of two exposed faces or surfaces and the thickness between
the two faces or surfaces shall not exceed eighteen inches
and shall not project beyond the property line. If such sign is
a ground sign it shall not exceed sixteen feet in height.

(3) If such signs are illuminated, the total wattage for
exterior or interior lighting shall not exceed one hundred
watts of incandescent lighting for each six square feet of sign
on each face. The lighting shall be designed so as to direct
the light evenly over the entire face of the sign.

(4) In the Architectural Design Control Area, signs
shall not exceed twelve square feet in area on each of two exposed
faces or surfaces, the thickness between the two faces
or surfaces shall not exceed eighteen inches and such sign
shall not exceed twelve feet in height. If such signs are illuminated
they shall comply with the requirements of subsection
(b) (3) of this section.

(d) In B-1, B-2, B-3, M-1 and M-2 districts:

(1) Any sign permitted in a B office-shop district.

(2) Signs applicable to goods sold or services rendered
on the land or in the building upon which they are displayed
or stating the name of the establishment.

(3) Roof signs applicable only to goods sold or services
rendered on the land or in the building upon which such signs
are displayed or stating the name of the establishment. (8-563.)

Sec. 28-13. Ground signs.

No ground sign shall be erected having a height greater
than thirty-five feet above the level of that portion of the
street upon which the sign faces or above the adjoining
ground level if such ground level is above such street level.


Page 502

Sec. 28-14. Wall signs.

No wall sign shall be erected with less than ten feet of
clearance between the bottom of the sign and the sidewalk or
ground, nor extend more than ten feet above the top of the
roof of the main building to which it is attached, nor extend
beyond the ends of the wall unless it meets all the requirements
for projecting signs. (8-5-63.)

Sec. 28-15. Projecting signs.

(a) Signs projecting over a public sidewalk shall not exceed
sixty square feet in area on each side, nor be less than
twelve feet above the sidewalk at the lowest part of the sign,
nor be further than two feet from the face of the wall to
which such sign is attached, measuring from the point of the
sign nearest thereto. No such sign or part thereof shall extend
nearer the curb line than two feet. No part of such sign
erected over a public driveway or an alley shall be less than
sixteen feet above the level of such driveway or alley.

(b) The thickness between the principal faces of any
projecting sign shall not exceed eighteen inches.

(c) Only one projecting sign may be installed for each
main entrance on a street except that one additional projecting
sign may be installed for each secondary public entrance
facing on a street other than the front street. (8-5-63.)

Sec. 28-16. Marquees.

(a) Marquees projecting over a public sidewalk shall not
be less than nine feet above the sidewalk at the lowest part
of the marquee, shall not exceed three feet in the vertical
dimension and shall not extend nearer the curb line than
two feet.

(b) Signs on marquees shall not exceed twenty square feet
on any side or front section of the marquee. Such signs may
extend above the top of the marquee provided the vertical
dimension of the structure including both marquee and sign
shall not exceed three feet. If such signs are illuminated, exposed
light sources shall not be used.

(c) Signs may be located under marquees subject to the
following restrictions:

(1) There shall be only one sign for each store entrance.


Page 503

(2) Such signs shall not exceed twelve inches in depth,
which depth shall include the supports and hangers attaching
the sign to the marquee.

(3) There shall be a minimum distance from the bottom
of such sign to the surface of the sidewalk of eight feet.

(4) Such signs may extend from the store front to a
point six inches to the rear of the front of the marquee, which
means that such signs shall be at least two and one half
feet to the rear of the curb.

(5) If such signs are illuminated, the illumination shall
be by interior lighting only, subject to the interior lighting
restrictions as set forth in this chapter.

(d) Theatre marquees projecting over a public sidewalk
shall not be less than nine feet above the sidewalk at the
lowest part of the marquee, shall not exceed five feet in the
vertical dimension and shall not extend nearer the curb line
than two feet. The restriction on square footage as set forth
by section (b) of this section shall not apply to theatre
marquees. Such signs may extend above the top of the marquee;
provided, the vertical dimension of the structure, including
both marquee and sign, shall not exceed five feet. If
such signs are illuminated, exposed light sources shall not be
used. (8-5-63; 3-6-67.)

Sec. 28-17. Roof signs.

No roof sign shall exceed two hundred square feet in area
nor exceed twenty feet in height from the roof of the building
to the top of the sign structure, nor be nearer than ten
feet to a property line. The base of all roof signs shall maintain
a distance of not less than five feet from the roof level,
except for necessary structural supports. (8-5-63.)

Sec. 28-18. Billboards.

Billboards may be erected only in B-3, M-1 and M-2 districts,
and shall not exceed three hundred twenty square feet
in area, nor shall they be stacked higher than twenty-nine
feet in height. (8-5-63.)

Sec. 28-19. Clocks.

Time and temperature clocks shall be permitted in B-1, B-2,


Page 504
B-3, M-1 and M-2 districts if they meet all requirements for
wall and projecting signs. (8-5-63.)

Sec. 28-20. Traffic hazards.

No sign shall be located at the intersection of any streets
in such a manner as to obstruct free or clear vision or at any
location where, by reason of the position, shape or color, it
may interfere with, obstruct the view of or be confused with
any authorized traffic sign, signal or device. No sign shall
make use of the words "Stop", "Look", "Danger" or any other
word, phrase, symbol or character that may interfere with,
mislead or confuse traffic. (8-5-63.)

Sec. 28-21. Wind loads.

The effect of wind pressure shall be thoroughly considered
in the design and installation of all signs. The provisions of
the Building Code of the city as to minimum wind loads shall
be applicable in construing this section. (8-5-63.)


As to requirements for electrical installations generally, see ch.
10 of this Code. As to offenses with respect to advertisements, see §§
19-3 to 19-6.