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['Tis finish'd! all his course of pain!]

'Tis finish'd! all his course of pain!
'Tis finish'd! all our task of care!
We turn us to our rest again,
In solemn praise, and humble prayer:
For lo! our awful office ends,
For lo! our sacred charge ascends!
The child, of whom we seem bereaved,
Whom feeble flesh would still deplore,
Our heavenly Father hath received,
And kindly bids us weep no more,
But cheerfully His loan resign,
And leave him in the arms Divine.
Father, we make Thy deed our own,
Submissive to Thy wisest choice;
Though nature give a parting groan,
Our spirits shall in Thee rejoice,
And thankfully at last approve
The' appointment of eternal love.
'Twas love ordain'd so short a date,
So light a load of penal pain,
And hence the favourite of fate
Put on, and burst, his fleshly chain;


Received, and rendering up his breath,
Retired into the shades of death.
But we by faith's illumined eye
Beyond the cloud of death behold
A Sun in yon eternal sky,
Which gilds and turns the cloud to gold;
And in that golden light I see
The child that owed his birth to me.
In a new world of light and bliss,
An angel now our child appears;
His joy hath made our sorrow cease,
His looks have dried our selfish tears,
His looks, where heavenly glories shine,
And call us to the sight Divine.
Father of lights, and God of love,
Thy call we joyfully obey,
And hasten to our friends above,
Who for their old companions stay;
Till all before Thy face shall meet,
And find in Thee our heaven complete.