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Hymns and Sacred Lyrics

In Three Parts. By Joseph Cottle

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503. Animate and inanimate things required to praise God.
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503. Animate and inanimate things required to praise God.


Psalm cxlviii.


Thou glorious orb of light!
Shout thy Creator's praise!
Ye starry hosts of night,
Your songs of triumph raise!
The Lord doth power supreme maintain,
And still, through endless years, shall reign.


Ye waters of the deep,
That lift your heads on high;
Ye stormy winds that sweep,
Impetuous, through the sky;
Praise him who form'd you with a word!
Of all that is, the sovereign Lord!


The raging wave he stills;
The tumults of the air!
Ye everlasting hills,
Jehovah's might declare!
For great and glorious are his ways,
And he demands our noblest praise!


Let those who empires sway,
His praises ever sing;
Let young and old obey
The Great, th' Eternal King!
Our God the angelic choir sustains,
And he the hosts of darkness chains.



Ye ministers of light,
Who hear your Maker's voice;
Ye angels, pure, and bright,
In God alone rejoice:
His word your happiness secures,
While power prevails, and heaven endures!


Ye saints, who Zion love,
Bid every care be gone;
To nobler worlds above
You all are hastening on:
A bright and everlasting day
Will soon your earthly toils repay.