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By W. C. Bennett: New ed

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While the Champagne foams
And trembles in your glasses,
Lift it, sparkling, high,
To her who all surpasses.
Drink this toast of mine!
Trust me, to my thinking,
She's a toast divine,
Worth the Gods' own drinking,
Worth the Gods' own drinking,
When Hebe pours the wine.
Fill to her again!
Faith! boys, she resembles
This same golden light
In my glass that trembles;
Bright her dear eyes are,
Brighter far than this is;
And her ripe lips far
Beat it, boys, in blisses,
Not such glorious blisses
In Jove's own nectar are.


Yes, this sparkling wine
Joy to life is giving;
But her lips to mine,
That, O Gods, is living!
All joys but one were
Fate to me refusing,
To be loved by her,
That, boys, were my choosing;
What matter all else losing,
So fate but left me her!