University of Virginia Library



“Blessing; knowing that ye are thereunto called, that ye should inherit a blessing.” —1 Pet. iii. 9.

Why are springs enthroned so high,
Where the mountains kiss the sky?
'Tis that thence their streams may flow,
Fertilizing all below.
Why have clouds such lofty flight,
Basking in the golden light?
'Tis to send down genial showe
On this lower world of ours.
Why does God exalt the great?
'Tis that they may prop the State;
So that toil its sweets may yield,
And the sower reap the field.
Riches, why doth He confer?
That the rich may minister,


To the children of distress,
To the poor and fatherless.
Does He light a Newton's mind?
'Tis to shine on all mankind.
Does He give to Virtue birth?
'Tis the salt of this poor earth.
Reader, whosoe'er thou art,
What thy God has given, impart.
Hide it not within the ground:
Send the cup of blessing round.
Hast thou power? The weak defend.
Light? Give light: thy knowledge lend.
Rich? Remember Him who gave.
Free? Be brother to the slave.
Called a blessing to inherit,
Bless, and richer blessings merit.
Give, and more shall yet be given:
Love, and serve, and look for Heaven.