University of Virginia Library



Come forth, Nathanael, from the fig-tree's shade,
And see, where, down yon mountain's solemn glade,
The lowly Nazareth, in the summer even,
Shines in the sunbeams, like a gate of Heaven!
'Mid those poor walls, Heav'n opens to thy prayer,
And Angels pass upon the crystal stair.
And who within that tabernacle's light
Shall dwell, but thou, the guileless Israelite?
Thine is the art of artless souls, true seer!
To know thy God in all things standing near.
Divine prerogative! The blameless soul,
Its own simplicity its sweet controul,
Leads on, and, like a guardian spirit, brings
Into the Palace of the King of kings,
The Mount of God. To him all nature stirs,
Ranging herself in glowing characters;
Seen thro' Faith's light'ning mirror; blooming skies
Come down on earth and sea, like vernal dyes,
Speaking of Resurrection;—all are rife
And animate with forms of beauteous life,
Unseen before; 'mid busiest scenes below,
The messengers of Mercy come and go.