University of Virginia Library




Yes, cherish Pleasure!
To him alone
'Tis given to measure
Time's jewelled zone.
As over meadows
Cloud-masses throng,
So sweep the Shadows
Of Earth along.


The years are hasting
To swift decay;
Life's lamp is wasting
By day and day.
Yet cherish Pleasure!
To him alone
'Tis given to measure
Time's jewelled zone.
For him the hours are
Enamelled years;
His laughing flowers are
Undulled by tears.
With him the starry
And regal wine
Best loves to tarry
Where sun-rays shine.
And when Night closes
Around his sky,
In graves of roses
His Buried lie.
Then cherish Pleasure!
To him alone
'Tis given to measure
Time's jewelled zone.