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Matin Bells and Scarlet and Gold

By "F. Harald Williams"[i.e. F. W. O. Ward]. First Edition

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No upward yearning yet was lost, no smallest dream can die;
Eternity, each moment crost, doth still about us lie;
The humblest motion of devotion
Is purchased at tremendous cost and links with golden tie;
Which fastens to the feet of God the tendrils that we spread;
For had He not before us trod, our spirit were but dead.


No thought, that struggles to be free and puts forth any bud
Or would look out and simply see (beyond the mist and mud
That gather dimmer) just a glimmer,
Shall ever on unfruitful flee as aimless idle scud;
And though behind it hardly leave a trace and faintly sings,
It shall return some day at eve with blessing on its wings.
One upward craving for blue sky and larger purer air;
One pulse of pinions that would fly unto God's starry stair,
In feeblest flutter of an utter
Need, is an immortality akin to all things fair;
For we can only be the shape which would within us grow,
And if the secret spell escape no Heaven can through us flow.
Each groping effort full and fond hath somewhere answer true,
And somehow is itself a bond that shall receive its due;
And from this tangle life and wrangle
Points out to perfect rest beyond, and clasps the hidden clue;
Than earth more solid have I found the slightest hope for good,
Which touches God who stands around as He has ever stood.