University of Virginia Library


Next day arrived; but ah! the nest had flown,
For Mr. Main and Sprat had left the town,
An' (in their hurry) had forgot to pay
The debt they had contracted yesterday.
An' Willie Watson swore like any Turk
That it had been a thievish piece o' wark;
An' if he could the Spouter get, that he
The inside o' a jail wad let him see.
Although puir Willie said to us,—“I trow,
To sic a rascal 'twad be nothing new;
For weel-a-wat it isna his first trick,
Nor yet the first time he has ‘cut his stick.’


But aff o' this, there's ae thing that I'll learn,
An' that's I'll ken again wha gets my barn;
An' mak' them always pay the cash before
They ever set a nose in at the door.’
An' then poor Will began an' swore again,
What he wad do when he got Mr. Main;
When some auld wives said, “Man, ye should think shame,
For ye hae nae ane but yersel to blame,
For they wha mak' an' meddle wi' sic crew,
Aye meet with something they hae cause to rue.”
An' Willie clawed his head an' said, “Atweel,
They wad need a lang spoon wha sup kail wi' the deil.”