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De festo sancte Luce ewangeliste
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De festo sancte Luce ewangeliste

Sein Luc þewangelist non apostel nas
Ac þe apostles he siwede & ȝare deciple was


In Antioche he was ibore clerk he was wel god
And ficician noble inou and is bokes vnderstod
He ne siwede noȝt God an eorþe for he was of oþer lawe
Ac after oure Louerdes up risinge he gan him uerst wiþdrawe
And wiþ oure Louerdes onn deciple þat het Cleophas
Touward þe castel of Eimiaus he wende bicas
And oure Louerd to ȝam com after is up risinge
And bi þe wei ȝam siwede and tolde of mony þinge
Hi nuste noȝt þat it was oure Louerd for al is manhede
Attelaste hi knewe him uerst þoru brekinge of brede
As þe gospel seiþ þene morwe after Esterday
Sein Luc turnde ferst to God þo he þis isay
Is felawes name and noȝt him sulue he nemneþ in þe gospel
For þe gospel he made him sulf and þer mide he dude wel
He ne kepte none veine glorie is owe dede to telle
Þere uore he heleþ is owe name as ȝe hureþ in þe gospelle
Sein Luc was clene maide inou as we findeþ iwrite
Me nemiȝte neuere of flesses wille bi him vnderȝite
Sein Poul is felawe he was and wiþ him in al is wo
Me ne sei him neuere for no drede enes fram him go
Þe tweie uerste ewangelistes sein Mattheu & sein Ion
Siwede oure Louerd here an eorþe and is postles echon
And þat hi seie wiþ ȝare eiȝe of oure Louerdes dede
Ȝare gospelles hi made as me hurþ in Holi Churche rede
Ac sein Mark & sein Luc oure Louerd ne siwede noȝt
For hi nere noȝt biuore þe passion to Cristendom ibroȝt
Þeruore sein Luc þat com after to þe apostles him drou
And of ham and of oure Louerdes dedes he enquerede inou
Mid oure Leuedi he was mest & mest priue of echone
And enquerede of hure priuetes þat non nuste bote he one
Al hou þe angel to hure com and wat he to hure sede


And al hou oure Louerd was ibore & of oþer priue dede
And bigan is gospel al þerof þere fore he one
Telþ more of oure Leuedi dede þanne þe oþer echone
Þoru þat oure Leuedi him tolde & þe apostles also
Is gospelles he made iwis and þoru þe Holi Gost þerto
After sein Ion [&] sein Mattheu is gospel he made anon
And sein Mark þe laste was and þe ferste sein Ion
Sein Luc as þe apostles aboute prechede faste
In þe lond of Butinie he deide attelaste
And wende to þe ioie of heuene as riȝt was to do
Sixti ȝer he was arst old & fortene þerto
In Butinie he was ibured wiþ nobleie inou
For miracle þat com of him muche folk þuder drou
Þanne he was suþþe inome fram þat he was biuore
And to þe lond of Constantinnoble wiþ gret honur ibore
Þere he liþ ȝute to þis dai wiþ gret nobleie inou
Bote he were honured wel me þincþ it were wou
Þis foure ewangelistes þei hi were me[n] pure
Ech was of diuerse forme as ȝe mowe ihure
Sein Mattheu was in mannes forme sein Ion in an ern
Sein Marc a lion & an ox sein Luc þe gode bern
Sein Mattheu was in forme of man for he gan euere telle
Of oure Louerdes manhede mest inis gospelle
Forþ riȝt & aperteliche echman to vnderstonde
As it were a mannes dede þat he sei do mid is honde
Sein Luc was in forme of oxe for boþe ox & calf
Ȝe witeþ wel he is a bocsom best and of goder half
And ipriked & ibust and attelaste as fawe


He geþ to is owe deþ wanne me wolde him þerto drawe
Of þulke manere of oure Louerd sein Luc telleþ mest
Of is meoknesse & bocsomhede as of a milde best
Hou he was iharled & todrawe & mekliche suþþe inou
He vnderueng þane stronge deþ þo me him þerto drou
In forme of a lion sein Marc is iwrite
For þe lion is a best of wel strange bite
As a bold maister he geþ forþ wiþ wel stordi mod
So strong best þat it dorre abide nis bote it beo wod
Sein Mark more þanne eni oþer of oure Louerd haþ itold
Of is holy up risinge þat stordi was and bold
For as leon he aros and alle þing ouercom
And steorne he wol come aȝen & ȝiue oure alre dom
Ern is a foul of alle foules þat wel hext mai fle[o]
And þer nis best ne foul non þat so clerliche mai ise[o]
For aboue þe clouden of inou wel herre he mai te[o]
And fle[o] aboue more wey þanne it hanne þuder be[o]
He flucþ so heie & so nei þe firmament anhei
Þat he forswelþ is feþeren and forbarnt him sulue ney
And wanne he is so heie iflowe þat wonder it may be[o]
Ȝute he may here in þe gronde a smal worm ise[o]
And a smal viss in þe se ne be[o] him sulf so heie
Þer nis quik þing an eorþe non þat habbe so cler eiȝe
Sein Ion is an ern iwrite for inis gospelle
Of oure Louerdes godhede so deop he deþ telle
And so heie flucþ in diuinite ouer ech mannes kunde
Þat vnneþe is þer eni clerk þat it mowe habbe in munde
So cler siȝt he hadde & pur & so deop out he soȝte
Þat godhede þat oure Louerd an eorþe wiþ him broȝte
Þat as seint Austyn seiþ þer nis clerk in þe londe
Þat hadde he out bigonne herre þat him hadde vnderstonde
And þat haþ many clerk yseie as þere ȝute may
In þe bigynnynge of is gospel a Midewinter day


For among alle is gospelles þulke is þe ueorste of echon
In þe forme of an ern here fore me writ sein Ion
Nou bidde we sein Ion & sein Luc & ȝare felawes beie
Þat hi bringe us toward heuene in þe riȝte weie