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The Original Chronicle of Andrew of Wyntoun

printed on parallel pages from the Cottonian and Wemyss mss., with the variants of the other texts: Edited with introduction, notes, and glossary by F. J. Amours

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Off Tyberius þe trew emperoure,
And how Crist ekit his tresour.
Sone efter þat Sanct Serf wes past
Fra Rome, þe first Benet als fast
Tuke and held twa ȝeris þat se,
And nixt efter quhen dede wes he
Secund Pelagyus ȝeris five
Led in to þat stait his live.
In till his tyme gret ranys fell
With wickit wyndis scharp and snell,
That throu spatis Tiber flude
The wallis of Rome all oure ȝude.
Gret hie houssis it kest doune,
And drovnit mony within þe tovne
Off men and women and barnis baith.
In Rome þat rane did mekle scaith,
And serpentis gret and a dragoun
Distrublit all þat regioun;
For quhare þai bestis dede were left,
With stynk þe aire wes trublit eft
That sic ane huge mortalite
Quhare with wastit wes þe cete.
The pape Pelagius deit þan,
And till him contemporane
Tiberius wes emperoure,
And held sevin winter þat honour.


He wes rycht gud Cristin man;
The tresoure of þe empyre þan
He delt to pure folkis largely.
The emprice his wif for þi
Repruffit and callit him a waistour,
That sa distroyit þe tresoure
Off þe empyre, quharfor þat he
Off law aucht to deprivit be
Off his estate; and he agane
Said he deseruit nocht sic payne,
For he thocht to haif better reward
Off God, at wes his souerane lard,
The quhilk mycht gere þe tresoure be
All tyme haboundand in plente;
For quhy þe tresoure gevin thare
Wes delt to þaim þat had mystare,
That he wes dettyt to succoure
Off þat at he wes procuratour.
And as he a day gangand was
Within þe chalmer of his palace,
Vnderneith his feit he saw,
Gravin in to the marbill law,
Off þe corss a takin, weill
Portrayid all at point ilk deill.
He said þat takin men suld set
In to þe hycht of þare foret,
And suld nocht ly in sa law steid
Quhare men with feit mycht on it tred.
Forthy rycht þan in gud entent
He gert men tak vp þat pathment,


And quhen þat he had sagatis done,
That ilk takin he saw sone
Lyand layth vnder that place
Quhare the first corss lyand wes,
Like to þe first in all degre.
That als he gert vptakin be,
And vndere þat the thrid he saw,
And þat alssone he gert vp draw,
And laygh vnderneth þe thrid
He fand a hwrd of fyne gold hyd.
Tharewith he ekit þe tresore
That he in almouss gaif before,
And foundit abbais als religiouss
And did gret dedis of almouss.