University of Virginia Library


Oh, what a jubilee Wall Street knew!
Harmanus Van Brunck had something to do;
And so had Sharp, and the brokers, too.
Seekers there were for the stock in plenty,
“Rhode Island Seam,” at a hundred and twenty;
But never a holder was found so flat,
To part with his stock at a figure like that.
As for the president, old Van Brunck,
Whom all set down for a millionaire,
Attack him when sober, attack him when drunk,
You couldn't persuade him to sell you a share;
For he knew what was what, and he certainly meant
To get for his money a hundred per cent.,
And though he had loaned to the Company cash
To a figure that some poor-old fogies thought rash,
He knew it was safe, for Sharp had said it,
And what Sharp said, he was “bound to credit.”
But Sharp, the intelligent Secretary,
Had very much feeling about him, very;
And, though it was much to his injury, meant
To part with a little, at thirty per cent.
Of a premium—just to a friend or two;


A few shares of stock, and only a few.
But so far did his courtesy bear him away,
That he found himself once on a very fine day,
On the road to becoming a millionaire,
But devoid of a single Rhode Island share.