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Virginia and Virginians

eminent Virginians, executives of the colony of Virginia from Sir Thomas Smyth to Lord Dunmore. Executives of the state of Virginia, from Patrick Henry to Fitzhugh Lee. Sketches of Gens. Ambrose Powel Hill, Robert E. Lee, Thos. Jonathan Jackson, Commodore Maury

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Was born in Prince Edward county, Virginia, on October 13, 1842, the
son of Peyton Randolph Berkeley and Frances Ann Banister Little. As
the family names indicate, he is connected with many of the families
who have been honorably identified with the annals of Virginia, and is,
indeed, a lineal descendant from Sir William Berkeley (see Volume 1 of
this work). His father, born in Richmond, Virginia, in September,
1804, died in May, 1870. His mother, born in Clarke county, Virginia,
died in September, 1843. During the late war, his father, his elder
brother and himself, constituting the entire family, were in service. The
father was captain of Company K, 3d Virginia Cavalry (Stuart's), and
the subject of this sketch was sergeant in the same company. The
brother, W. R. Berkeley, was lieutenant-colonel of the 21st Virginia

In Prince Edward county, June 12, 1867, Rev. R. L. Dabney, D. D.,
officiating clergyman, Robert Blair Berkeley married Pattie Maria
Price. Their daughter, Fannie Little, born July 27, 1868, died August
30, 1869. Mrs. Berkeley was born in Prince Edward county, as was
her father, Charles Allen Price. Her mother, who was Miss Fannie Priscilla
Wilson, was born in Cumberland County, Virginia. Mr. Berkeley
has been twice married, his first wife, Alice M. Scott, whom he wedded on
April 29, 1863, and who lived but a few months. He was educated at
Hampden-Sidney College; was graduated in law at the University of
Virginia in June, 1871, was in practice in Richmond, 1872-7, then removed
to Farmville, and since that date has been in practice in Prince
Edward and adjoining counties. In May, 1887, he was elected Commonwealth
attorney for Prince Edward county for the term of four years,
and is still serving.