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At a Court held for Virginia the 10th daye of Aprill i622

At a Court held for Virginia
the 10th daye of Aprill


Sr Io: Dauers.  Mr Edwardℯ.  mr Woodall. 
mr Deputy.  mr Barbor mr Iadwin. 
mr Gibbs.  mr Barnard.  mr Rogers. 
mr Wrote.  mr Copland.  mr Morewood. 
mr Io: Smith.  mr Barkham.  mr Harris. 
mr Ro: Smith.  mr Caswell.  mr Widdowes. 
mr Nicho ffarrar.  mr Robertℯ.  mr Geo: Smith. 
mr Geo: Mole.  mr Meuerell.  mr Bull. 
mr Mellinge.  mr ffoxton. 
mr Webbe. 
mr Baynham. 

Vpon the readinge of a former order of Court declaringe the great
hopes the ffrench Vignerons haue conceaued of makinge plenty of
good Wyne in Virginia whereof they had already made experiment
and sent home a tast by the George nowe returned from thence mr
Deputy acquainted the Court that there was due to the said ffrench-
men for their wages for one whole yeare past the Som̃e of one hun-
dred and odd poundℯ (as might appeare wth by the Contract made with
them vnder the Companies Seale) for wch money one Bonnall (whome
they had authorised to receaue the same) had bin with him earnestly
solicitinge him for it, and therefore moued that seeinge ye com̃on
Stocke was cleane exhausted some course might be thought vpon for
their satisfacc̃on: Wherevpon it beinge taken into [347] considerac̃on
it was at length agreed and ordered that mr Deputy should be
entreated to take vp so much money as would satisfie the said Debt
for wch the Companie haue promised hereby and vndertaken to saue
him harmeles from ∥by∥ the proceed of goods nowe come home, and


at the next Quarter Court order should be taken to secure him
for such other moneyes as he hath or shall disburse for the Com-
panies vse.

Herevpon a moc̃on beinge made that forsomuch as priuate Planters
receaued equall benifitt by the ffrenchmens skill and instructinge of
others in the Arte of plantinge and settinge of Vines and in the mis-
tery of makinge Wyne that they also be ordered to beare part of the
charge thereby to ease the Companie wch moc̃on was well approued
of and thought fitt to be remembred in the next generall ɫre to ye
Gouernor whereby it might be proposed vnto them and required of

Vpon notice taken of the Companies Treasury exhausted informac̃on
was giuen of much money that might be found due to the Companie
from Accountantℯ (if their Accountℯ were duely examined) touchinge
wch a Note was presented in Court touchinge ∥of∥ diuers moneys made
paid to Sr Wm Garway by the Virginia Companie wch are not to be
found in Sr Wm Garwayes Accountℯ, wch note as by the p̱ticulers
appeared amounted to no lesse then 433li 17s 4d: wherevpon the Court
desired the Auditors to take notice thereof and to examine the said
Accountℯ and other like Somes they shalbe informed of and accord-
ingly to make report vnto the Court.

fforsomuch as the George was nowe returned safe from Virginia con-
firminge the good newes they had formerly receaued of the safe
arriuall of their Shippes and people in Virginia sent this last Som̃er:
it was nowe thought fitt and resolued accordinge to a moc̃on formerly
made to the like effect, that a Sermon should be preached to accept
∥expresse∥ the Companies thankefulnes vnto God for this his great
and extraordinary blessinge: To wch end the Court entreated mr Cop-
land beinge present to take the paines to preach the said sermon
before §beinge§ a brother of the Companie and one that was well
acquainted with the happie successe of their affaires in Virginia this
last yeare vpon wch request mr Copland was pleased to vndertake it
and therevpon two places beinge proposed where this exercise should
be p̱formed namely St Michaells in Cornehill or Bowe Church it was


by erecc̃on [348] of handℯ appointed to be in Bowe Church on
Wedensday next beinge the 17th Day of this present Moneth of Aprill
about 4 of the Clocke in the Afternoone for wch purpose mr Carter is
appointed to giue notice of the time and place to all the Companie.[1064]

A request was made in the behalfe of mr Iohn Berkley Mr of the Iron
workℯ in Virginia that in respect he had with extraordinary Skill and
industrie brought that longe desired worke to so good forwardnes as
to vndertake so confidently to make Iron there by Whitsontyde next,
as by his owne and mr Sandys letter appeared, the Companie would
please for his better encouragement in so hopefull a worke to supplie
him and his people with such prouision as he hath most earnestly
desired in his letter, wch charge he hath promised to repaye againe out
of the first fruite of their labors wch request beinge taken into serious
considerac̃on and wthall the benifitt and consequence of so great a
worke vnto the whole Plantation and for so much as the Companies
Stocke was quite exhausted, the Court againe entreated mr Deputy as
formerly to take vp so much money as might supplie him, for wch he
should be secured as before they hath §bin§ declared.

Whereas mr Dike was entertayned to be vssher in the free scoole
intended in Virginia it was nowe signified that he havinge since
shewed a willingnes to resigne that place by reason of some other
hopes he had to preferr himself here in England the Com̃ittee thought
fitt in reguard of his longe waitinge and Dependance vpon that imploy-
ment to bestowe vpon him 3li to discharge him wch agreement and
allowance this Court did well approue of.

Mr Deputy moued for drawinge vp a Patent for Sr Bowyer Worsly
who intended to transport and plant diuers persons in Virginia:
Wherevpon the Court ordered a Patent to be made ready for him
against the next Quarter Court.

Vpon readinge a Ire presented in Court directed to mr Deputy ffarrar
from one mr Nicho: Hawes signifyinge of two Bills of Exchange made
ouer vnto him the said Hawes by mr Henry Rolfe payeable longe


since and sett downe in mr Essingtons bookℯ as Debtℯ of ye Com-
panies to be paid as moneyes came in, the Court takinge it into con-
siderac̃on and havinge [349] examined the bills and withall beinge
certified howe vnduely those debtℯ were laid vpon the Companie they
willed the messenger that brought the Letter to returne mr Hawes
this aunswr followinge that they doe not vnderstand for the present
that any such bill was euer accepted and the direcc̃on beinge to Sr
Thomas Smith as Treasuror of the Virginia Companie by mr Peirs
who hath Relac̃on in his imployment there onely for ∥to∥ the Maga-
zine Company the Virginia Companie are of opinion they are not to
be charged directly with any such bill by him.

It was also thought fitt that seeinge mr Rolfe was so forward to passe
his letter of Atturney to mr Hawes in the behalfe of his Brother for
receauinge the said moneyes his brother beinge notwithstandinge
indebted to the Companie for moneyes long since due that he should
nowe likewise be strictly called vpon and required to paye the same.

Mr Henry Wolstenholme of London gentleman passed ouer three
shares of land in Virginia vnto mr Io: Wolstenholm of London Esquire
with the allowance of the Auditors and approbac̃on of this Court.

With like allowance and approbac̃on ffrauncis Carter passed ouer two
shares of land in Virginia vnto mr George Rookℯ Cittizen and Lether-
seller of London beinge parcell of the later 40 shares assigned vnto
him the said ffrauncis Carter by the Right Honoble the Lady Lawarr.

With like approbac̃on Abrose Wood of Tattingstone in the Countie of
Suffolke gentleman by his Assignement vnder his hand and Seale
bearinge date the 31 daye of Ianuary last past, passed ouer two shares
of land in Virginia vnto Nathaniell Etherington of ffleetstreet in
London gent̃. [350]



This sermon was printed and is referred to in List of Records, No. 312, page 155, ante.