University of Virginia Library



Away from leaves and bowers
And love's soft summer hours,
Fragrance of girls and flowers,
To the sea
I pass: its great waves greet me;
Its salt pure strong winds meet me;
I am free.
Free from the town-oppression;
Its ceaseless dull progression
Of hot days in procession
That weigh down:
The glad blue waters cheer me;
No flower or leaf is near me,
Red or brown.


No flowers are here: the breathing
Wide mass of waters seething
Around my feet is wreathing
Flowers of foam:
All other bloom forsakes me
As the sweet sea's breath takes me
To its home.
No voice of love beseecheth:
No enemy impeacheth:
The grey wild water reacheth
To the sky:
Whatever time be bringing,
To hear no sea's chant ringing
Is to die.